
Tuesday, August 31, 2010

tHe NeXT TRiP.. KUaLa TeReNGgaNu..

Kuala Terrengganu.... 
Perkara menarik tentang kuala terengganu.. herm.. rasanya banyak..
keropok Lekor, keropok losong.. 
Pantai Batu Burok.. betul ka ejaan ni..
tapi.. pergi sana bukan mau bercuti...
tapi buat kerja.. breakdown call...
tak pasti kenapa.. mesin kat sana selalu sangat rosak...
aaahhhh... janji dapat income sikit...
so drive saja la... lepas ni saya bagi review pasal makanan...

Our 5th Anniversary

Unbelievable... Its already been 5 years since we declare as a loving couple...
Last night.. she keep mention to me that tomorrow is 31st August...
and I try to play dumb... yeah... I know that we're loving each others and today..
just pretend that I dun know what is 31 mean to us..
and then.. she like a bit mad with me...
owh man... women will always remember these kind of stuff...
when is the..
1st kiss..
1st dating..
anniversary for 1st month being couple..
and yearly anniversary... hoho.. 5 year and we still In LoV3...
of cos she's the one any only that I love so much..
we share everything..

Sad things


arguing.. fighting.. that all normal things.. that make our relation long lasting.. hehehe..
I love you so much Darling... I want to be with you until death separates us...

Sunday, August 15, 2010

Trip to Singapore.. Day 1, 15 August

OMG.... Thanks GOD.. This time I can attend training.. Last year, I can't go to oversea (is Singapore consider oversea?? ) because of my debt.. lucky I already pay 60% of my debt last May and now I can go to others country without hassle.. but.. the bad feeling still haunting me.. yeah.. that all last year story but today.. still had that bad feeling.. hahahha.. still remember last year.. the immigration officer ask me.. "U ada loan belum settle ke?"of course I have a lot debt.. Car-loan, personal loan, credit card n study loan all not settle yet.. yeah.. aaaaaaahhh...
Today.. reach Changi Airport... I straight go to the LIMO counter.. I thought its same like KLIA.. go to LIMO counter.. hahaha... looking other place but didn't see any TAXI sign anymore.. yeah... maybe singaporean only use these expensive service from airport.. but.. WTF... the LIMO driver come n guide me to her car (gosh... lady driver more scary when their on the road) and at the same time I saw the TAXI sign... walawei... these LIMO cost me SGD45 but I think normal taxi maybe cost me around SGD25.. big different in number.. owwhh... 1st timer always like that.. so be prepare.. now start to hold my money.. cannot go makan2 already.. hopefully my money enough until my training finish.. yeah..
Still feel dizzy because just now I feel like riding roller coaster.. the aeroplane hit the cloud and its really feel like riding roller coaster.. hahaha.. until the arab ppl screaming like hell.. hahhahaha.. yup.. continue my story.. I go to chinatown.. yup I love to walking around so just go there and have some stuff.. n food.. after that go back n start writing today experience here,, by the way.. my room facing the new casino.. hahaha

so total today spending is:

Taxi: SGD45
SimCard: SGD15 (with SGD20 value)
F&B: SGD7.30
Total for today spending: SGD67.30

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

manga.. anime.. etc..etc..

I've a few manga collection like KreKo.. Dragon ball.. etc..etc.. but dunno where all those things oledy.. but I stop buying those stuff after my younger brother told me that those things we can read or download it online.. and the best things is online manga is FOC.. of cos I still need to pay my broadband fee la.. hahaha.. usually I go to to read online manga.. but they cant publish any manga oledy.. so my next option is others site that offer online manga.. whoever that always read manga at, can read those online manga at at least can read latest manga lor..

which DSLR good for beginner level?

Some say Canon 1000D better.. price also cheaper.. but some say D90..  but I saw advertisement D200 body only for 1.7 k.. is these worthy for my money? walawei... I want one since I kena poison by forum and also after last cherating trip... use normal camera only.. how to get great pics.. everything depend to my budget actually.. hoho.. will update soon..

Sunday, August 8, 2010


She is the one and the most important person for me.. really love her so much.. life is not complete without her.. Its true that someday you will fighting n arguing even just because of little things that we done.. but... those thing made our relationship much more interesting n fun rite.. being couple for 5 year.. yeah.. will enter the next stage of relationship.. getting married... and of cos that should be the next stage.. what else after couple for 5 years... will update soon.. everything gone now...

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

My Yamaha 125Z

My 1st bike is Modenas Kriss.. but already sold by my younger brother.. so now I'm using these Yamaha 125Z.. bought on 2005 at bike shop. how ever I'm not the 1st owner.. after being use almost 10 year, I do major overhaul and it cost me around RM7++ that all include changing wear&tear Parts and some standard modification.. of cos.. little modification need to be done to restore these small bike.. I bought it and use it around 5 month before I give it to my younger brother since I need to go back to my Hometown and work there.. Now i took it from my younger brother and actually I'm a quite sad & mad because I give it in a very good condition and he return it back to me with a bad condition.. 

these is the 1st day I took it from my brother..

after replace the white cover and repaint the coverset.. look nicer then before.. hoho

repaint the white cover and put some custom sticker.. hahaha.. that sticker cost me RM50.. order it from 1 of the sticker shop at Plaza Alam Sentral.. damn expensive.. when i ask others sticker shop.. they can do it for just RM25... 

Change coverset and Disc brake

last picture taken before my bike masuk bengkel.. repaint the black coverset to blue and use EJM exhaust and install Racing footrest.. 

last month is the 1st time I accident and my collarbone broken because of that.. 

Newbie bloger

Tiba2 saja masuk site blogger n bukak account sendiri.. sedar tak sedar.. dah start posting.. apa yang best sangat jadi blogger ni.. herm.. kalau tak cuba.. mana tau best tak best blogging ni.. hoho.. maybe better then masuk forum je... nak juga tunjuk ajar dari blogger otai ni..