
Sunday, January 19, 2014


Gangguan bekalan elektrik yang dialami oleh penduduk Sabah pada masa ini amat menyakitkan hati.. apatah lagi selepas SESB mengumumkan tarif elektrik naik bermula awal tahun ini.. thumb up SESB.. service teruk tapi mau juga kasi naik tarif elektrik. Bercerita pasal tarif.. saya ingin tahu pasal bacaan meter.. pada pendapat saya.. tarif berbeza untuk untuk penggunaan berbeza tidak patut diguna pakai oleh SESB.. kenapa tidak patut??? Sebab staf mereka datang untuk buat bacaan meter tidak konsisten.. sebagai contoh..
- bacaan pertama 1000 (dibuat pada 2/1/2012)
-bacaan kedua = 1900kwh (dibuat pada 27/1/2012)
-bacaan ketiga = 3500kwh (dibuat pada 15/3/2012)

Kamu kira la sendiri.. datang ikut suka saja.. terang2 la 1st month bill murah tapi bill 3rd month melambung kaw2.. so ini salah siapa??? Mestila salah STAF SESB. tapi yang membayar harga atas kesilapan kecuaian dan attitude teruk mereka adalah para pengguna..

Saya rasa saya salah satu pengguna yang selalu menghubungi hotline SESB. Blackout suda menjadi terlalu biasa.. dalam sebulan 6-7 kali blackout. Dan paling teruk kemarin dan hari ini dan mungkin esok dan lusa juga.. sepatutnya kalau selalu sangat blackout.. cari puncanya.. jangan tunggu sampai semakin melarat.. atau dijadikan kebiasaan..

Rasanya prestasi SESB lebih teruk daripada prestasi LEMBAGA LETRIK SABAH dahulu.. agak menghairankan.. kenapa diswastakan kalau prestasi semakin teruk..

SESB.. wake up.. 1 person complain.  Maybe that guy got problems and can be ignored but.. 1 village or nation complaint means u have a problem that u need to solve it..

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

End year trip to sarawak

After last year trip to sarikei, I visit Sarikei again.. and this time to do PPM for the device that we sold last year. But this time I plan my trip nicely.. yesterday, visit all my customers at sibu and this time I stay at Medan Hotel.. since I plan to go Sarikei and also Mukah.. this hotel is the best place to stay.. why??? Because near to Sibu bus terminal.. yeah.. that the plan.. from sibu.. its took 1 and a half hour to reach sarikei using bus.. and I took the 7am bus.. after service finish, go back to sarikei bus terminal since its not really convenience to walk around sarikei with too many luggage.. and also because of the non stop rain.. reach sarikei terminal.. got nothing to do.. its around 12pm.. have my lunch at nearby coffe shop.. 1 things I like about Sarawak is.. the food is cheaper than my hometown at Sabah.. waiting for bus.. nothing much I can do.. then I on my laptop n start watching some korean series... weird things happen.. ahhaha.. some stranger keep looking at me.. and I feel uncomfortable but just ignore its.. suddenly this guy come and  looks at my laptop... WTF... I can't really hear wat he say.. but I heard he say something sound like "tengok movie" waaah... things like this never happen before.. this guy is totally stranger to me and he come and have a look at at the my laptop without my permission.. gosh...
3:45pm. Bus come and depart 10 minute later.. stop at sibu town about 10 minutes and here I am inside bus stomach going to Mukah for the 1st time.. I am not expecting some extraordinary journey and hope this trip will be smoothly as planned

Flying with infant & kids

I feel blessed when abrielle didn't make so much trouble to others during her 1st time travelling by air.. others than screaming happily and try to pull others hair that sitting in front and at our back.. before boarding. We really worry she will crying all the way from kk to kl.. haha thanks GOD its never happened. We feed using her favorite milk bottle after take off & before landing to make sure air pressure in her ear cleared and she won't crying after that.
I think some of us have experienced some that can be called flyin nightmare because of the air pressure inside ear..either we suffer because of its or others suffer from it especially baby & know kids.. if we have this problem.. we will suffer a lot because its feel like our ear will blow.. if the kids & infants,  they will crying because its so painful.
When I traveling with a little 1.. remember this.. try give them something to chew.. or suck.. its will help them to release air pressure inside ear.  Tonite when I fly back ti kl.. got a big group in front of me and 1 of the baby crying painfully after take off until after landing.. and surprising.  The parent never gave her any water or milk during 2 1/2 hour.. aiseh.. came on la... if they feed her with something that she can chew or suck. I'm pretty sure that she won't crying all the way from kk to kl. Pity her.. and also pity to the parents that don't have any idea whhhhhhhyyy their baby crying loud. If you travel by air next time. Make sure you have something for you and your companion to chew or suck.. good luck.